Massage from Brenda

On Friday night I celebrated Abe’s return by taking Nyquil and sleeping a lot. Clarissa woke up three times, but Abe was home and brought her to me so I could nurse her without getting up. Then he let me sleep in bed all morning, which was amazing because I was tired.

After being in bed all morning, I got up and we all piled in the car to drive to Draper. Abe’s mom gives me these amazing massage certificates to her masseuse, Brenda, whose office is right next to Karin’s. Abe knew this week was going to be hard, so he used one of those certificates to schedule a ninety minute massage for me with Brenda at 1pm.

While I was with Brenda, Abe, Karin and the kids all went to lunch at Chuck O-Rama’s. They had a great time, and wow, so did I. Brenda is, in Karin’s words, “magical.” I went in there full of all sorts of toxicity, and after Brenda’s massage I felt absolutely amazing. I love talking to Brenda, and she is full of wisdom. Between her wisdom and her hands, I was a different person after that massage.

We took it easy after the massage, and Saturday ended up being very restful and rejuvenating. We cleaned, cooked, ate, and rested a lot. It was a great day.