
On Friday we had a play date with Blair and James. I love talking to Blair, and it was fun to see James and Ammon interact. Ammon hasn’t had many play dates with kids his age, and so it’s really fun for me to see what he is like with others. Ammon loves to share and tried to give James a ton of toys throughout the play date. That made me really happy.

After school I thought Lydia had a group harp lesson, but it turns out the lesson is next week. Her teacher must think I am a total ditz. I am always, always getting dates and times mixed up. In my defense, though, I asked on Thursday what time Lydia’s group harp lesson was because the board said there were group harp lessons on both Nov 10 and Nov 17. Her teacher replied “4:15,” so I assumed she meant the tenth. Oh, well.

After the non existent lesson, we came home, did homework and practiced until dinner and bed.

The kids also had fun building a fort!