Happy New Year 2018!

On Sunday evening we walked the girls around the neighborhood to their primary teachers so they could deliver their thank-you cards. When Mary was talking to Lydia’s teacher, Mary informed her that Monday was going to be the “best day every because Daddy is going to be home and is going to play all day with us!”

Abe had promised the girls to play with them because even though he’s been home all week, his quota was taking a lot of his time. The amazing thing is that he met his quota on the very last day of the year!! It felt like a miracle.

Anyway, on Monday Abe took the kids out to breakfast and then came home and played with them until the evening. He played puzzles, “Nobody Leaves the Room!”, held a dance party, and did other games with them. Then he turned around and switched gears to help me completely de-Christmasisfy the house and clean it top to bottom.

When we were done we celebrated by going to bed early so we could get up for Insanity. We skipped staying up until midnight so we could start the new year off at a bracing 5am with an Insanity work out. It’s actually really fun to do together.

This is a random picture that I think I forgot to post earlier. It’s not from Monday, but it’s cute, so here: