Georgia Making Progress

Georgia’s Incident: Last Friday, Georgia had an incident in which she didn’t wake up in the morning like usual. When the staff at her skilled nursing center noticed, they tried to wake her up by touching her and pressing on her chest. She was breathing, but when she didn’t respond, they center her to the hospital in an ambulance. Lily and I met her in the emergency room where they were doing tests and trying to figure out what to do. Eventually she woke up around 9:30. It was very scary for all of us, including Georgia.

Georgia’s Progress: Since that incident, however, Georgia has been doing well, and we are hoping a small tweak to her medication will help this not to happen again. So far Georgia has not had a similar incident, and she has even been making good progress on walking again after her surgery. Here are some

I love how Georgia brings a smile to every circumstance!
Look how far she’s walking after her surgery!

We love you Georgia!