We gardened today. Abe gardened from 9 am until 5 pm, and I just gardened in the afternoon. Abe and I actually gardened for a good hour in the rain. We were gardening under our roof eaves with the rain literally pouring off of the roof onto us as we dug and planted–but we were having so much fun we couldn’t bear to stop! By the end, Abe and I were covered in mud and soaking wet. It was so fun.
Also, I mowed the lawn for the first time ever. Pathetic, I know. But in my defense, I was pregnant last summer and had zero desire to mow in the desert heat. Today was overcast and I mowed before the rain came out. I took a break to plant flowers–and then the rain came. The grass was so wet afterward we couldn’t finish mowing, so now our yard is half mowed. Considering our unmowed grass is at least half a foot tall, it is quite the sight.
Then we all cleaned up and piled in the car to go to Kohinoor for dinner and do errands. We bought the girls scooters as a prize because Mary has been pooping in the potty. I honestly never thought this day would come. I was starting to wonder if she was physically capable of being potty trained.