Sorting boxes

Today was the first day I had spare energy in…half a decade? I don’t know why, but today I actually did not feel even a tiny desire to nap. With that spare energy I sorted boxes with my mom. She put me in charge of all of my “life story” boxes. After going through them, I have concluded that I must be pathologically addicted to documenting my own life. This blog is perfect evidence.

In fact, after sorting through those boxes, I came up with a new daydream. Maybe someday Abe and I can win the lottery and then buy a rinky dink house to store all of our family story stuff. It could be a family museum. Wouldn’t that be fun? In the meantime, I have to pare down or our whole house will be cluttered with “museum pieces”…

The girls played with various neighbors for almost six hours today. Their play somewhat assuaged my fears that they are not socialized enough.
The girls played with various neighbors for almost six hours today. Their play somewhat assuaged my fears that they are not socialized enough.



BYU art museum exhibit

Abe and I went to do oil tastings at Mountain Olive Oil Company, and there we discovered we had mixed up our dates and missed the tastings. After rescheduling, we decided to go to the BYU art museum and look at the exhibit there.

It was amazing! The exhibit was about how images helped establish the notion of the “Old West,” and we discovered the artist, Maynard Dixon. His landscapes were almost better than the real thing.

There was also an exhibit about the canyons that we loved.

After looking at the paintings, we missed our kiddos and went home instead of grabbing ice cream. Sometime it’s nice to get away for a minute and realize we actually don’t want to be away all that much.

This amazing exhibit is in the foyer of the art museum.
This amazing exhibit is in the foyer of the art museum.


I shot this as I turned to listen to the security guard tell me not to take pictures.
I shot this as I turned to listen to the security guard tell me not to take pictures.
This gallery did not have a "no pictures" rule, so we took a picture of this incredible panel. In real life it was huge and ten times more vibrant.
This gallery did not have a “no pictures” rule, so we took a picture of this incredible panel. In real life it was huge and ten times more vibrant.