Alexa, how many days until Christmas? Dad, what am I getting for Christmas?

These are questions that Clarissa has been asking Alexa and me for the past 15 or 20 days, and as we get closer to Christmas the frequency of her questioning gets higher and higher. In the last week, she probably asked Alexa 20 times how soon Christmas was, and me about 10 or 15 times what she was getting. She really loves Christmas!

Lily, Lydia and Mary, I think were mostly in transit to the Philipines (with their flight getting very delayed) and then dealing with more jet lag. I assume this because they had no pictures today.

On my side, I spent the morning sleeping in (I didn’t fall asleep until late) and then putting the house together, and packing and preparing for our trip to my dad and Suzanne’s house.

We got to my dad and Suzanne’s house around 5:40 and had an incredible fondue dinner and desert. Then we did the traditional Miner Christmas program, which of course, would not be complete without singing the 12 days of Christmas. Ammon and Clarissa both participated!

We then had an abridged readers’ theater reading of Charles Dicken’s Christmas Carol. I got to be Scrooge (and I tried to read with inflection) and it was especially fun to interact with Ammon who was the boy who I paid to go get the giant turkey from the butcher’s’ window for the Cratchet family.

After the program was over, we visited more and then I put the kids to bed. My dad had fun reading to them, and then I also enjoyed reading to him. It was very nostalgic, because the books we read were the same ones I had read to me as a kid and even the blankets on Ammon and Clarissa’s beds were made by my grandmother and ones I used growing up. They are Raggety Anne and Raggety Andy blankets and it was fun to read them a Christmas book featuring Raggety Anne and Rattegy Andy. It was a very beautiful evening and a very good time.