2nd Day in DC

We started the day by getting up early and going for a 3.2 mile jog from our hotel to the Mall, around half of the Mall, and then back to our hotel. Then we raced to shower and pack and walk to the Willard for the National Park Foundation breakfast.
Morning light on the WWII memorial during our jog.
A gingerbread rendition of The Willard, where we did all of our National Park Foundation activities.

We visited with more lovely parks people at breakfast and listened to some great talks about what the National Parks Foundation is accomplishing. I feel committed for life. The national parks are our nation’s greatest treasures (in my opinion) and I am thrilled to support them in any way. The only caveat to the parks is the stolen land from indigenous people, and as far as I can tell the parks are honestly trying to confront that past.

Our secretary of the interior is of native descent and I have seen multiple rangers of native heritage at the parks this past year, including the one featured at the Christmas tree lighting the night before. Most importantly, the parks do an incredible job preserving and honoring the ecological and cultural aspects of our land, and that excellent stewardship serves all cultures. I love the parks and was so happy to hear the report at breakfast about the ways in which our parks are thriving.

After breakfast Abe dropped off the gift the parks gave us at the hotel while I ordered coffee two blocks from the hotel.

Then we power-walked through three Smithsonian museums: The Museum of American History, the Museum of Natural History, and the National Gallery.

We both got emotional seeing the Star-Spangled Banner. The display was excellent.
At the natural history museum we were enamored with the evolution section. When we were LDS neither of us knew how to make sense of evolution and did not give it much thought. It was amazing to see how humans evolved and what different human species have looked like throughout time. Some of my favorite fossils were of ancient human species that showed evidence of a crocodile bite, a child attacked by an eagle (early human species were so small that they were the dimension of prey), and one fossil showing a blow to the head that withered the left arm and meant that the human survived into mid- 30’s early 40’s because of the care of his family. Very sad stories but so incredible that these lives are recorded through bone and that we can see them today!
There was a program that changed our faces into an early human species of our choice. Abe chose Neanderthal because both of us have abnormal amounts of Neanderthal in our genes.
At the National Gallery.
I love Caillebotte! He might be my favorite impressionist because I love how graphic AND fluid he is. Most of all I love the quality of the light in his paintings. It always is soft and beautiful.
I wrote an essay on this for a final in college. I don’t know what I wrote but after being a mom I know I see this differently! The man is physically working by pulling those oars, but the mom is physically working to keep that squirming baby safely in the boat. I know this is supposed to be a serene moment for this family, but I am not sure these people look fully relaxed. It is a very American impressionist painting. The French impressionists show people fully relaxed, laughing, having fun, or frolicking on swings or in a field, but Mary Cassatt is showing a situation where work and tension seem to weave their way into the vacation. It seems very east coast if you ask me. Also the fact that the perspective is from the boat itself seems very bravura technique-wise. Now I want to research this painting because there is no way Cassatt could have painted this in the boat, right?! Maybe she sketched it from the boat. If she painted this in the boat (as the picture suggests) I am floored. Also the boat itself might be my favorite part of the painting. I guess I am a sucker for strong lines in the middle of paintings that feature light.

Then we walked as fast as we could to the start of our walking tour. By the time our tour began we had already walked about ten miles that day. On our walking tour we learned so much from the ranger!

We learned about Marian Anderson singing three times on these steps and how the memorial neglected to mention Lincoln’s role as the great emancipator. The inscription only talks about his role as the savior of the union, but his other greatest accomplishment was the emancipation of slaves. Also: Eleanor Roosevelt resigned from the Daughters of the American Revolution when that group would not allow Marian Anderson to sing for them because she was black. FDR said she could sing from the top of the Washington Memorial if she wanted, and Eleanor Roosevelt arranged for her to sing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939. It was a beautiful moment of American unity while Hitler was ascendant across the pond. She sang here twice more in her life, the third time being the day of Dr. King’s I Have a Dream speech.
The inscription is the phrase of a golfing buddy of the architect of the memorial. Our group ran into the grandson of the architect during the tour!
The architect of the Vietnam Memorial, Maya Lin, did not want these sculptures near the wall because in her opinion they romanticize war. She was a Yale student when her design was chosen. Because she was Asian American a lot of bad things were said about her during the construction of the memorial and many people did not understand what she was trying to do with her design. Now everyone understands how brilliant and profound this memorial is, but when it was going up people really did not understand.
We went to a restaurant called “Immigrant Food” for dinner. It is a restaurant honoring immigrants and refugees, and it tries to provide pathways for immigrant and refugee chefs to bridge their careers in the U.S.. The food was amazing.
We were in the Salt Lake airport in the hallway between terminals when I took this picture at 11:59pm. I think this might be a record for me! Our flights were amazingly smooth.

This trip was an absolute highlight for Abe and me. Every minute was a delight. We are so grateful to Tom and Suzanne who made it possible to go, and we are grateful to the National Parks Foundation for inviting us out. It was so great to get back home to our children, who light up our lives. But we did have the greatest time in DC, and I will never forget this trip!!

Lydia’s Black Friday with Lily and an epic Lego saga

Today, Lily and I went running together. When I got home I did some additional strength training (the 500) and then I enjoyed petting Basil.

Lydia asked for her main Christmas trip to be a shopping trip with her mom. What a sweet wish! Here they are before they embarked to fight the crowds!

And fight they did! Lily told me of one instance when some teenagers (on foot) tried to snatch and save a parking spot she had been waiting for. Lily had to be assertive and she felt bad about that. It’s a jungle out there!

Back at home, I got my dream of having some deep play with the kids. It’s unfortunate to me that I do not do it more. But when I have multiple days at home, it really feels attainable for me to find the time, and today I played Legos with Mary, Ammon and Clarissa for over two hours. We spent the first hour building Lego spaceships.

Clarissa’s ship. She a good person named Relsa who was also friends with the chief bad-guy (Green Zombie) and she brought the world (which was at war) together at the end of the game with a riveting speech.
This is the pizza man’s daughter. He helped him to make pizza’s when she wasn’t doing her school homework. She helped him make pizzas quickly at the end of the game to save the universe.
The pizza man.
Ammon made this ship for the bad team.
This character and ship were part of the good team. She did some important spying during the game.

After we all built our creations, we played for about an hour. The basic plot was that Green Zombie woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided there was too much happiness in the world, so to rectify that, he was going to kill the pizza man, because he delivered too much happiness to the world. On his way to kill the pizza man, he was intercepted by the good team, and shot out of the sky. He didn’t die, but he made it to his bad-team base where he got the bad team fired up and ready to wage war on the good team for revenge. Then a big war erupted. Right at the very end when they were all about to destroy each other, Relsa (Clarissa’s character) gave a riveting speech suggesting that the bad team should try pizza, and if they liked it, perhaps they could agree the pizza man should not be killed and the war could end. The bad team agreed, loved the pizza, and everyone became friends. Here is a video with some of the action.

Lily was pooped when she got home and in this picture she is cuddling with Ammon while looking at some family pictures Mary printed.

Later we all watched the Great British Baking Show while relaxing on the couch. Basil looks really content in this picture resting after his run today.

Lydia looks great in her new clothes and she is so excited about them!

birthday parties galore

In the morning I spent some time listening to Ammon read his first chapter book to me!

Then we all headed over to Pleasant Grove because the Marshalls had rented out an entire theater for the twins’ birthday. We thought it was the best birthday idea of all time! They had breakfast for everyone and we all watched Wakanda Forever, easily my new favorite Marvel movie of all time. I loved every minute, and so did all the kids!

singing to Carter and Camden. They are such sweet boys.

After the party we went to Harmons, dropped off Mary at a play date and dropped off Lydia at a birthday party for the twins in her class.

At home later in the day we discovered these legos in Ammon’s mug. We think he was inspired by the plot of Wakanda Forever and submerged them all in water because of it.

Then we came home and Abe went running with Basil. I spent some time on the phone working out some details about The Little Mermaid with Tom and Suzanne who will watch the kids while Abe and I are in D.C.

After all the working out this week I took a long nap and then worked with the kids on their instruments before giving Lydia a long-promised massage before bed.

Friday dinner with Nana

On Friday we finally caught my mom in a good spell and were able to go out to dinner with her. We have been eating Fat Daddy’s pizza for a long time but have never actually been to the restaurant. It was a fun experience and they happened to be taking footage for their website so they got a lot of videos of Ammon and Abe playing in their mini arcade.

Ammon threw up again in the morning but energy wise and cough-wise seemed to be on the mend. I spent a lot of time practicing piano and reading with him. I also did an hour of piano in the morning with Mary.

I also did another hard interval workout on the bike, tidied the house and tried out a new curling iron which blow-dries and curls at the same time. It took a while but my hair has never held curl so well.

Abe is working so hard at work because it is 4th quarter and business seems to have quadrupled over night. Sales is such a roller coaster.

pickle ball date

Ammon has been getting better but still throws up randomly, so he stayed home again. Lydia was also recovering, so she took it upon herself to advance his education. She told him he needed to write a story about Thanksgiving, and that he was only allowed to ask her how to spell one word. He was allowed to ask Alexa how to spell five words.

We were absolutely astonished to discover Ammon can write a story! It was so good. Thank you, Lydia, for being such an incredible teacher to him this day!!

Clarissa taped a googly eye to her forehead and was being so silly and cute.

In the morning I did two workouts and Abe did the 500, and in the evening we went on our first pickle ball date! Abe has played before but this was my first time and I absolutely loved it. We just played to see how many volleys we could get. Abe saves us in those because I love the sound of the thwack and tend to hit the ball way too hard, so he chases all of my crazy balls (which are mostly out) all over and lobs them back at me. We got to a high of 45 thanks to his hustle. It was so fun!

Also because it was my third workout I burned over 1,000 calories during the day and felt so great about that. I hope we play pickle ball every week. It is just two blocks from our house. While we were playing we talked about how our lives are so perfectly set up for thriving in our exact location, and it would be impossible to replicate this anywhere else–especially with these high interest rates!

I also did a lot of tidying up, folding laundry, and made a salad of roasted butternut, pomegranate, gouda, apples, nuts, and mixed greens for dinner.

Another sick day

On Wednesday Ammon threw up again so he stayed home. Clarissa went to school and so did Mary, but Lydia woke up with a flaming red throat and a sore stomach, so she was home too.

Ammon busied himself continuing his Coco inspired banners. The banner turned out beautifully!

Abe spent some time with Ammon letting Ammon show him his process for making his creative cutouts.
Clarissa was thrilled to join in on the crafting action when she came home.
Abe did Clarissa’s reading lesson while I worked with the kids on their music. At one point Clarissa was supposed to be reading “mud,” but she was only making the “m” sound. Abe kept encouraging her to finish the word and she got confused and started crying. This is her asleep after the effort of learning to read.

I made a pumpkin lasagna with fontina béchamel sauce and some salad for dinner. I think I also did some laundry and started listening to Barbara Kingsolver’s book, Demon Copperhead, which is amazing.

sick day

Ammon was still coughing like crazy so we kept him home. He and Clarissa played happily together the whole day.

Clarissa made these adorable slippers. She was so proud and excited to wear them!
The kids worked together to make a banner they had seen in the movie, Coco. They did such a good job on it and I love the end product. The mess did kind of take my breath away a little.

Last days before Abe comes back

Yesterday I was scolding Ammon for making a mess upstairs and he was trying to be contrite but kept smiling. Finally I asked him why he was smiling. He said it was because they were playing hide and seek and he had just found Clarissa. She was in the laundry basket right next to me and I had no idea!
Mary made this comic for her school project. So proud of her.

I am starting to engage in unhealthy behaviors and I think it is because Abe is gone. Today I spent a lot of time just scrolling online clothes imagining that if I owned said clothes maybe I would actually start getting dressed in the morning.

Here are Abe’s pictures from his time in Singapore.

Abe just loved the friends he made in the Qualtrics office. He loved having dinner with Sunil.
They spent the evening in Little India.

Great Salt Lake meeting

On Wednesday Clarissa stayed home sick. We spent the entire morning at the doctor for Mary’s physical and then the hospital where she was going to get blood tests done. She has always been in the 4th percentile for weight but the doctor wants to make sure she doesn’t have celiac’s or something like that. Anyhow I forgot my health insurance card so we waited all that time at the hospital for nothing. We have to go back for that test later next week.

In the evening I went to the basement and logged into a Zoom meeting about the Great Salt Lake. I am so concerned about the lake and think about the effect of its disappearance every day. I wanted to hear from our policy makers and scientists what the health risks of living here are, but they deflected my question. Abe has a friend who founded HEAL Utah so hopefully he will be able to answer my question soon. But in the meantime

I did learn some interesting things in the meeting. It makes me think they will actually fix the problem (in a decade or two), but in the meantime I have to figure out if it is responsible to raise kids here or not.

Abe’s mom sent him this photo of himself today. So cute!!! I miss you, Abe!!!

Fun morning with Nana

On Tuesday I dropped off all the kids at school except Clarissa, and then we picked up my mom and she spent the morning with us. We played two full games of memory, which was so fun! After we were all very tired so we took my mom home.

I struggle to remember what else happened that day. I think I might have gone swimming in the evening when all the kids were home. I believe I wasted a lot of time online shopping. I have noticed I do that when feeling depressed, so maybe all the time without Abe affects my emotional charge.