This morning we went to breakfast with Vince and Jordan. We intended to go to Joe’s Diner, but it was closed. We wandered down State Street, and the first open restaurant was Yamato’s, a Japanese restaurant. I’ve never had Japanese food for brunch, but hey–I didn’t have to cook it, so great!
After brunch, Abe took the girls to Qualtrics. He was able to work (sort of) while they played in the building.
I put Ammon down at home and he took a four hour nap. I couldn’t believe that tender mercy. I was so tired from yesterday that I slept a lot while he slept.
We had dinner tonight with Karin, Jay, and Jere. It was great to see all of them.
Now Abe and I are going to watch Captain America. We are working through the Marvel movies slooooowly. I also want to watch I Capture the Castle because I just finished reading the novel. The protagonist is so charming in the novel that I am a little scared to watch someone try to portray her, but I did love the book so much that I am willing to risk it just to dip back into that world for a bit. However, we certainly don’t have time for both movies tonight. Maybe tomorrow…