Today was the girls’ first ice skating lesson. Lydia endearingly tried over and over to skate, undeterred by her many falls. She eventually made it some fair distances hobbling around the rink. I was so proud of her grit! Every time I looked at her I felt full of love.
Mary hung on to the teacher almost the whole time. With both hands. Whenever the teacher suggested she try some movement on her own, Mary said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” But afterward Mary exclaimed that she LOVED ice skating. I was proud of, hmmm, her cuteness? Definitely her cuteness.
My mom made the experience possible by watching Ammon at home. I got lost trying to find the ice arena and it was pure chaos trying to get the girls on the rink. I don’t think we could have done it with Ammon.
This evening she helped again by babysitting our technology-anesthetized children while Abe and I attended a real estate presentation. We were wowed.
Here are some pictures from the ice skating: