We spent the morning at the doctor’s office, and then he sent us to the hospital to get lab work done for Lydia. Lydia was so brave and didn’t even flinch when they drew her blood. Afterward I told her how her dad faints when they draw his blood and she thought that was hilarious.
Even though her stomach still hurts and her appetite is not quite normal, she was very energetic all day. She went from the doctor–to the hospital–to school–to a birthday party–to playing outside for three hours with the neighbors–to dinner–to FHE–and to bed, where she and Mary are wide awake and meowing loudly at each other. I really don’t think she has any serious illness, or she would have dropped at some point during this crazy day.
During FHE we played Lydia’s new Junior Monopoly game. Well, I was “on a team” with Lydia so I could really just sit on the couch, but even from there it was really fun. I’d forgotten how fun Monopoly is.
Here are pictures of the birthday party Lydia attended. Her friend, Shadrach, is in our ward and his family owns TWO pirate ships. His dad does incredible Jack Sparrow impersonations for birthday parties, so they had a ready made incredible party in the bag.