chemical craziness

Okay, did any of you moms out there experience an overwhelming urge to document EVERYTHING about your life leading up to birth? I feel like I am becoming a compulsive blogger, and I don’t know if that’s the insomnia, a chemical knock-off of the nesting instinct, or both. Usually I get up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep. Tonight I can’t even fall asleep! And since I can’t sleep, all I want to do is play online scrabble and blog.

In addition to this strange desire to document the boring details my life, I have also experienced the actual nesting instinct. It kicked in full force this afternoon.  We were on our way home from church having a nice discussion when all of the sudden I checked out of the conversation. All I could think about was how I needed to organize the house. After the deluge of presents from the baby shower #2, my friends’ visit, and another baby shower coming up this Saturday, I had no idea where to put all of Lydia’s new stuff! And even though it seems that we have the basics set up, the lack of a definitive set-up for clothes and miscellaneous gifts was driving me completely bananas.

And then there was also the post-fun clean-up to take care of. I had such a blast with my friends, but I didn’t exactly focus on housework while they were here. The thought of tackling the laundry, dishes, and various messes I’ve been ignoring made me want to cry. Luckily, Abe and Clark came to the rescue. Abe came up with an action plan and then Clark came home and pitched in. He and Abe helped me clean and organize until everything looked beautiful–and then Clark went on to make dinner! What a super star.

Clark made an omelet “cake” that I saw on a Rachel Ray episode a couple days ago. I haven’t ever tried any of her recipes, but this was really quite delicious. It’s just three veggie filled omelets layered with a ricotta-milk-thyme filling and topped with arugula and Parmesan. The omelet and ricotta stacks are yummy, and the arugula keeps the whole thing fresh. The picture didn’t do it justice, but here it is anyway:

And then, as if my night hadn’t been blessed enough, who should knock on my door but my wonderful neighbor from across the hall, bearing a container full of homemade chocolate chip cookies! My mom’s building is brimming with the best neighbors in the world. I love them. And our neighbors across the hall are incredible bakers to boot. I knew I’d like them before I even met them; I remember coming home from Christmas break to a plate of cookies they’d given my mom. I took one bite and knew right away I’d like the people who made those delicious cookies. They both have doctorates form Harvard in science, so you can only imagine the precision they bring to the world of baking. Super talented scientists + good recipes = over-the-top deliciousness. I’m pretty sure they used this recipe (it’s one they’ve used before), and it’s a total winner.

Clark was kind enough to photograph the surviving cookies just now. I was too lazy to get out of my chair, but I did so want a picture for the blog.

One last food note. Yesterday Jean, Sherelle, Sherelle’s sister, brother-in-law, and I all went to lunch at the Oak Tree Restaurant on Michigan Avenue (, which serves both breakfast and lunch. I could not believe I did not know this restaurant existed before. The food was fabulous and affordable, and the ambiance was great. So fellow Chicago people, if you haven’t already checked this place out, you must! I feel sad that I’ve been missing out for all these years. It’s on the top floor of the Bloomingdale’s mall on Michigan Avenue. My only regret from yesterday is that I forgot take a photo…but check out the website, and the next time you’re downtown shopping, order one of the delectable sandwiches at the Oak Tree Restaurant. You won’t regret it! Many thanks (and, of course, big hugs) to Sherelle for introducing me to this new pleasure.