The Miracle of Haven

Every now and then something happens that affirms the idea that there is a caring God out there. Today was one of those days. Georgia was still in the hospital today, and there person who was likely taking it the hardest was Mary. Mary is Georgia’s little soul mate. Mary even has a desk in Georgia’s room where she colors and colors and colors. I think she has three or four shelves in Georgia’s room now with all the art she has done in her room. They spend a lot of time together and have a very special relationship. I’m writing this blog two weeks later so I know a lot of future developments that had the potential to be very hard on Mary.

And so it felt particularly special when a seven year old girl named Haven discovered Mary at our house while she was on a walk. Haven is a delightful girl, as is her mom Chanda and their dog Twinkle. Mary and Haven instantly became best friends. Mary made a sweet note for Haven about them being friends. Mary is so happy to have a new friends, and we feel incredibly grateful she has this new friend to be a bright spot in her life during this moment when Georgia, her special friend, is not doing well.

Georgia is still in the hospital and our thoughts and prayers are with her. She does not like the hospital at all and no one really knows what happened yesterday that caused such a bad episode or what the episode even was. Georgia, we love you and we hope you come home soon!!

Also, we are planning on building out a new room for Georgia that will be sound proof and away from the house noises so she can have more peace. Noise is very hard on her and triggers and exacerbates her episodes. I spent the majority of the evening clearing out the wing of the garage that will be converted to Georgia’s new wing. Lily helped and I always enjoy doing home projects with her!