I have been working on a large proposal for months, and it culminated in an executive presentation today that I led. Afterwards I treated myself to a two-hour massage. It took every minute of that massage to get me back to a good stress level.
I felt good when I got home and even had the energy to have a snow-ball fight with the kids. They already started playing in the snow before I got home, but I joined them when I arrived.
Also, we’ve been enjoying being cozy as a family in the beautiful Christmas atmosphere that Lily has created. Lily has also had so much fun making stacks of presents for the kids and others (I recently commented, and she agreed, that they excite her as much as they excite the kids). It’s fun to be able to display them now that all the kids know the truth about Santa.
I think Clarissa had a happy day because she was INSANELY energetic in the evening. She talked my ear off for an hour about imaginary boats she was building in Africa. There were different boats for different holiday experiences, and there was cotton candy, prizes for kids, rides etc. When I put her down to bed, I said she could talk to me, or listen to Amazon story time (she calls it “Ammon-zon story time). She chose to talk to me, but after 10 minutes of her energetically talking (and not seaming to lose steam), and me struggling not to fall asleep, I let her transition to Ammon-zon story time. She is such a cutie!
Lydia submitted the following videos to her harp teacher as part of preparation for her competition in the Spring. Lydia is getting so good and I post these her to capture where she is on her harp journey at the moment.