This morning, Ammon built a world in his room that he and Clarissa played in. He was so excited about it that he took a video and showed it to me and Lily. He also took all the photos below. He was so proud of it!
Then Lily and I blitz-cleaned the house in preparation for Lydia’s party.
Lydia’s party went perfectly, and it was so fun to watch it all unfold. It was spa themed and all the guests got party favors like brushes, spa robes, headbands, nail-polish etc.
First everyone did each others’ hair, including adding color.

Even Ammon got his hair colored!
Then everyone made Chex muddy buddies (so yummy!)

Then there was nail painting.
And then everyone watched the Princess Bride while eating the yummy Chex-mix.

I left the party early to take Ammon and Clarissa to the school play. Clarissa had a major nose bleed back stage and I helped take care of that because her teacher texted when it wasn’t stopping. Clarissa had also had a major poop backstage that was hard for her to clean, and between the nose-bleed and the poop, she dramatically proclaimed this was the worst day ever. It was fun to see her backstage and I snapped this photo.

Ammon and Clarissa were very cute in the play!
When I got home, I found Lydia giddy after her party. She was showing me her gifts, and so happy for how everything pulled off. Lily and Lydia collaborated on the vision, the set-up, and Lydia really made the entire thing happen once the party started. She’s so good at adulting, and we are so glad she had such a great time!