I began this blog hoping it would inspire me to take more pictures. To my dismay, the only graphics to adorn my poor little project have been stolen from the internet or provided by our wedding photographer. So, in attempt to fix this sorry state of affairs, I have finally taken some pictures!

Here is a picture of my current belly:

You can see that my butt wants to get a ying/yang thing going. Very discouraging.

I also took a picture of my kitchen because it’s one of my happy spots. I would love to have you over for dinner!

If you came over for dinner, we could maybe have some curried carrot soup, courtesy of a recipe provided by our friends, Dan and Preethi Harbuck. (They made us a wonderful cookbook for our wedding! We love it.)

I also took a picture of the magazines I subscribe to. I hate opening the mailbox because it is usually filled with nasty things like bills and City of Chicago parking ticket notices. In order to motivate myself to check the mail, I subscribe to these:

The crazy thing is, I read all of my magazines, cover to cover. I love them! I even have a wish list. In a perfect world, I would also subscribe to The New Yorker and (may its canceled pages rest in peace) Gourmet. (Tear.) But Abe has promised me exciting things! Soon I am to be the recipient of The Wall Street Journal and FOUR investment magazines. I wonder if he’s trying to tell me something about my money management skills…

And finally, I took a picture of Abe’s planner.

Why, you might ask? Well, Abe is a lover of planning. He started weekly planning sessions with his family at the age of twelve, and some of his favorite childhood memories are of going to the Franklin Covey store with his dad for his yearly planner. He still spends hours every Sunday planning his week, and then, for fun, he will replan his week during weekdays. I am not a planner, but I have been feeling unproductive lately. Abe’s solution? Plan! So, this Sunday, we planned. According to my new hourly planner, I am currently job hunting. Hmmm.

There. I think that redeems this blog from its former paucity of pictures. Wouldn’t you agree?

7 thoughts on “”

  1. Lil you are so funny! But seriously shut up about your butt!! It's still smaller than mine and I'm not prego LOL.
    Luv ya,

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