(Abe and I stand by one of the scarecrows in the Arboretum.)
Abe has been meaning to get to the Morton Arboretum for a looooooong time, and we finally went this weekend. The weather was beautiful, and apparently, we weren’t the only ones with the idea. The car lines to enter the Arboretum reminded me of a traffic jam on the 405 in L.A., but once we got through them, we had a great time. Abe got a little excited by all the trees, as you can see here.

My back prevented me from expressing enthusiasm in a similar fashion, so I chose to enjoy the arboretum by planting myself solidly against a sturdy tree trunk.

After a while, I decided to sprawl on the ground. The view was great! All blue skies and colorful leaves.
When we got tired of reclining in the shadows of various trees, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed into Abe’s office so he could get some work done. I occupied myself by making Halloween invitations for the four-year old “sunbeams”we teach in church.
We are so excited for the party! I can’t wait to post pictures of all the cute kids in their costumes. The party is October 29, so check back in if you want some cute overload in your life.