General Conference Sunday was a pajama day for everyone but Abe, who had to drive to Idaho an hour after the afternoon conference ended. Since we can watch conference from our computers (could not get our television working, sadly), we didn’t have to leave the house. We did go to the park after the second session of conference, but everyone except Abe was in pajamas, and it was with great reluctance that I even donned a bra. I am still wearing what I was wearing when I went to bed last night, only now I’m decorated in food smudges and cookie crumbs. Perhaps after I blog I shall shower and change into a fresh set of jammies.
Except that there is something more I want to do, and that is: research culinary school. Abe called me up during his drive to Idaho, and he was very excited about a certain daydream we’ve had for a couple years. Up until now, it’s only been a day dream, but he seems to think it’s an actual possibility. Who knows…we are always thinking up new life plans, and but after our conversation this evening, I think culinary school is at least worth looking into.
So let’s do another day in pictures, shall we? Only first, can I just say that I kind of loved the talk wherein the speaker compared spiritual fitness to physical fitness? I want to recommit to certain areas of spiritual development (family history, in particular) so I can become more masterful and spiritually fit. If you aren’t LDS, you might think doing family history is a strange way to become more spiritually fit, but in a Mormon paradigm, I think it makes perfect sense. That talk also made me want to just delve into the scriptures for hours every day, or at very least meditate with more regularity and discipline.
I’m sad General Conference is over, and I’m even more sad that I missed so much of it this weekend. Hopefully I can watch some of the talks I missed during the girls’ naps this week, and I can not wait until the conference issue of the Ensign comes out.
Okay, enough blabbing. Here are today’s photos: