I woke up this morning and knew that today was the day my house WOULD get clean. I resolved to put my children’s needs ahead of my goal, but I also promised myself that by the end of today, my whole house would be organized, picked up and sanitary.
I made little progress on that goal until I put the children to bed at 8:30pm. Between that time and now, I have reached my goal. I am so tempted to type the details of what went into accomplishing that feat, but I think that would make me look vapid and vain. So I’ll keep those [vapid and vain] thoughts to myself, and I’ll just tell you that right now I feel great about life.
Also, Lydia has been taking her angel pills lately. While I was organizing my closet this morning, she came over and–out of the blue–started giving me a foot massage. I eventually had to sit down because she was so intent on doing a good job. I love her.
Additionally, I realized I need to take a chill pill on 1) spills and 2) accidents. First of all, I, a thirty-year-old woman, still spill things, so surely I should not be shaming my little two-year-old for spilling her water. (!!) Secondly, I should cut her some slack in the accident department. This evening, Lydia had an accident right before bed, and I was about to get upset when she started apologizing all over the place. She apologized all the way to the bathroom, and then when I was saying our night prayer, she interrupted me to petition God for help so she wouldn’t have any more accidents. I felt appropriately awful about myself. From here on out I AM going to be a nicer mom. I hope, I pray.
Speaking of how I need to be nicer, here’s some visual evidence that I have ample room for improvement.

- I suspected I wouldn’t have time to take more pictures today, so I prolonged Mary’s distress long enough to take one shot of Lydia. I just wanted to memorialize this day marked by so much angelic behavior.
I also abandoned Mary as soon as it started hailing outside. Leaving Mary wailing in her high chair, I ran to Lydia and carried her outside as fast as possible so she could learn about hail. I have no idea why I thought it was so important that she experience hail, but at the time it seemed urgent. I must be sleep deprived or something.
The only other thing of note today was my phone conversation with my mom and grandma. They are so sweet.