Did anyone see the most recent Smitten Kitchen blog? I checked it today and could not believe my eyes: Deb posted a glorious recipe for purple plum torte. This is relevant to my life. Highly relevant, because today I made the spur-of-the-moment decision that we are having a birthday party for Mary. Not only that, but it is going to be a Very Hungry Caterpillar party (inspired by this post on Preethi’s blog).
If you recall, the very hungry caterpillar eats, among other things, plums. Now if you don’t see the hand of God in the very hungry caterpillar’s preferences and the most recent post by Deb, then perhaps you did not feel the same sense of panic I did when I clicked out my evites today. What was I thinking?! Abe has a HUGE day tomorrow, and he’s out of town the following two days. And I have committed us to hosting a rather large party the afternoon after he flies in. Breathe.
I used to read The Babysitter’s Club books the same way I currently eat chocolate. In one quite memorable book, Claudia has an identity crisis because she thinks her parents adopted her and never let her know. Come to find out, her parents were just worn down because she was the second child, and they just never took the time to photograph her or dote on her the same way they did her older sister. That story stuck with me, and whenever I feel like I’m slacking off in the Mary department, Claudia’s tween trauma flits through my mind. As I was deliberating about whether to do anything about Mary’s birthday (which happened a month ago), I remembered Claudia…the next thing I knew, I’d sent out evites to, um, a large contingency of our local friends.
So that’s where my energy will be for the rest of the week. I did, however, put some effort today into non-party things. For example, I changed the sheets, sneaked a shower (while Lydia cried downstairs), took the girls to the library, made butternut squash soup, cleaned the kitchen, practiced the piano, and had Family Home Evening (one day late, since Abe was gone yesterday). Here are the pics from those parts of the day:

If you think of it, please say a prayer or think good thoughts for Abe tomorrow! It’s a big day for him. Email me for details if curious since we can’t disclose on the blog.