Do you ever resolve to do something and find your resolve tested within the minute of your resolution? This morning during breakfast I vowed to myself that I would speak kindly and gently to my children (with an eye toward Abe’s Sunday lesson and the FHE lesson tonight), but I found my dialogue going something like this.
I will be kind and gentle to my chil–
Rinse and repeat five times within five minutes. I felt very discouraged by the end of breakfast.
Actually, I was so discouraged I just gave up and let Lydia go to town messing up the entire downstairs while I prepared tonight’s dinner–ten hours early. We ate it cold.
She did help some, though.

And it was fun to see her imagination at work in the absence of Dora the Explorer. She kept bringing me presents from all around the house until I only had the space of my cutting board to work. Every other square inch of counter kitchen space was occupied.
After she dumped the entire contents of a dining room drawer onto the kitchen floor, I decided Dora did have a place in our lives after all. I stuck Lydia in front of Dora, placed her lunch there too, and ran some of my stress off on the treadmill.

When Mary woke up, I fed her lunch and played with the kids until nap time…

…at which point I took an hour long nap myself. After I woke up, I lay on the bed in a stupor for another twenty minutes, at which point I decided to fold some laundry and call my friend, Candice, who recently moved to St. George. It was great catching up with her.
Then the girls woke up. Actually, Mary woke up first and we did our daily diaper run to the outside garbage can. During that “outing,” I realized it was gorgeous out and resolved to take the girls on a walk. Accordingly, I woke Lydia up.
After her naps, Lydia is normally…sad. That is code for “she wakes up screaming.” Today she screamed for forty-five minutes straight. The premise of her tantrum: I refused to feed her until she went to the bathroom. This made her so mad that she screamed and screamed until thirty minutes later she peed in her pants. When I tried to stick her in the shower to clean her off, she screamed so loudly I figured that if our neighbors are people of conscience, they would dial DCFS right away.
After another ten minutes of screaming, Lydia suddenly sniffled and said, “I feel much better.” Nary a scream or sob issued from her mouth for the rest of the day.
Feeling mighty pleased with this happy change of events, I packed the girls in the jogger and walked them nine blocks straight downhill (read: straight uphill upon return) to the park.

When we got back, we ate my disappointing dinner (which, incidentally, took me hours of preparation this morning–I hope culinary school will bring me more success in this department!), had Family Home Evening, and put the kiddos to bed.

Tomorrow I am babysitting for a friend, and I am contemplating the possibility of not tidying my house before going to bed tonight. After all, it always gets trashed on play dates, so why bother picking up now? On the other hand, I might not sleep as well knowing there is stuff strewn about in literally every room of my house…
I’ll let you know tomorrow what the verdict was.