I took too many pictures today. But you know what? When I’m old and can’t move around much, I’ll tell you what I’ll be doing in my abundant free time (assuming I can see). I’ll be reading this blog and remembering the good life God gave me. Also, my favorite part of reviewing my blog is looking at the pictures. Sometimes, when I’m long winded (this paragraph is already looking slightly fat to me), I just skip reading what I’ve written and go straight to the pictures.
So I’ll make it easy on my future geriatric self and skip straight to the pictures today.
I babysat Sarah’s kids, Nathan and Hannah, today. They are angelic, cute, polite, and great at sharing. What a breeze.Mary attempting to walk today. She’s been trying for about a month now, but she’s still at the step-step-step-KERPLUNK stage.Collaboration. It happened for hours, and it warmed my heart so. Also, Mary spent a lot of time today perusing books on her own. Again, the temperature of my heart shot right up.I tried to take some pictures of the kids and sneak this tree in as background, but it didn’t work. Finally, I gave up and took a picture just of the tree. It makes me happy at all times of year, but right now–get a load of that yellow!!Sweet Hannah. She talks so well. She’s only two months older than Mary, who still says only “Mamamama”–and we’re not always sure she’s referring to me!THIS was my major accomplishment of the day. If you read this blog, you know that at this stage of my life there is nothing I hate more than meal time. But today–wow! The kids all ate, kept their bibs on, stayed in their seats, said please AND thank-you (knock me over with a feather!) and even picked up food they dropped on the floor (okay, pick me up for real now because I really did just faint right on down).Smiling, happy Nathan. Lydia learned how to say “you’re welcome” today because Nathan says “thank-you” that much.Sorry, but I kind of reveled in this marvelous meal time. I took a lot more shots than this, trust me.Before the play date ended, Lydia gave us a concert. We have been working on curved fingers and no banging since before she could talk or walk or possibly even hold up her own head… At any rate, look at those fingers!After the play date we went outside and discovered it was another beautiful day.And so after naps, we walked to the library. Here’s Lydia trying to convince me to read “one last book” (for the fourth time…I am easy to convince.).Here she is showing me her “trick.” =) Also, you might note that this is her third pair of pants today. I keep putting her in pull-ups for: church, preschool, and most other outings (not this one!), and so she’s regressing. I need to just STOP the pull-ups, but I just can’t. Yet.Abe met us at the library and took the girls so I could walk to my visiting teachee’s house. She wasn’t home, but on the way I could not get over the beautiful, lacy patterns the trees made in the sky.
..Aaaaaannd I found out at the library that the book I just started today (The Lonely Polygamist), is due in a matter of days. I love it so far, and so here’s me finishing this blog entry so I can hurry up and get to my book.