I kicked it up into high gear this evening because awesome Abe took the kids to a restaurant for dinner (our Groupon expires Saturday), and he gave me the whole evening to: practice piano, clean the house, listen to conference talks and go do Bikram yoga. Right now I am sweaty and undoing all of that hard work by gorging on the lamb Abe brought back from the restaurant. It is SO good. Yum.
Lydia got her second–and third and fourth and fifth–kiss from a boy today! (My mission companion’s son, Markus, gave her her first a year ago.) This time Nathan at preschool leaned over, gently held Lydia’s head, and kissed her approximately four times on the cheek. It was so cute. No pictures, though. I retired my camera after almost crippling little Hannah in an attempt to take a photo earlier of Sarah’s lesson.

Lydia was so good at preschool that I offered to take her to the library on our way home, even though Mary was conked out and slept through the entire unbuckling-buckling process.
When we got home, the girls were on different nap schedules, so after feeding them both separate lunches, I bought myself time for reading scriptures and my novel–and then napping–by letting Lydia bond with Dora the Explorer. After Mary and I woke up, I fed them both again and took them outside to read books until Abe came home. He changed and joined us on the lawn.

After that, Abe, like the knight in shining armor he is, proceeded to take the girls for the rest of the evening. He is traveling tomorrow, so the next time the girls will see him after tomorrow morning is Friday. At least that’s my justification for letting them all go off together so I could do my thing(s).
Tomorrow I sign up at the Art Institute for culinary school!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!! (I’m going part time–details more forthcoming tomorrow, when it is final and more pertinent.)