It feels like so much happened in one short day! First I ran on the treadmill and hurried to take a shower before Abe left for work. Then I squeezed in an hour and a half of piano practice, after which we had a wonderful play date with our friends, the Skardas. I was so absorbed in my conversation with Carrie that I completely forgot to take a picture of the kids. That and Lydia declared she was hungry, and her tone implied ominous things to come if we didn’t comply with her wishes and feed her lunch right then and there. So I was a bit distracted trying to cook up lunch, feed the kids, and talk with Carrie…and now all that’s left is this sad little paragraph to document a lovely morning.
After Carrie left, I practiced some more and put the girls down for quiet time and naps. Mary is sleeping for shorter and shorter amounts of time, so I had to work really fast to get through my online class assignments, and I wasn’t even finished before Mary woke up screaming. After the girls woke up, I fed them half a dozen times, made dinner, and then dashed to my first on-campus class when Abe got home.
My class is about purchasing, and even though the math is simple, numbers make me nervous and sweaty, and I sometimes feel like I am having a legitimate allergic reaction in their presence. So that was kind of scary and hard, but the class is small (6 people) and everyone seems friendly. I was the only person who did not know I was supposed to get and wear my chef whites to class, but thankfully no one commented. When I realized I’d neglected this, I felt so discouraged; I’ve always been really spacey about details like that, and if I don’t make a friend in class asap to help me navigate logistics, I am toast.
Then I came home and knocked out the next two weeks of work for my online class. Tomorrow I have to be at church all day because I am on the Relief Society committee, and they’re putting on their bi-annual “Super Saturday” of workshops and quilting for humanitarian aid. I realized half an hour ago that I promised to bring a crock pot of soup, and I am definitely not prepared to do that. So I’ll post these pictures quickly and get to bed so that I can throw some soup together before 10am tomorrow.
The following three pictures are of the girls while I practiced piano. Obviously, I stopped practicing to take these pictures. They were just so cute!