Abe informed me it was Veteran’s Day (I never know these things), and that the weather was supposed to be gorgeous today (never know those things either). He then proceeded to suggest that I take the kids on a walk to the veteren’s section of the cemetery and tell them about what it means to be a veteran.
What a brilliant idea.
And so, after a morning of naps, meals, piano practice, and one unsuccessful attempt to extract massive amounts of earwax from Lydia’s ear, I finally (think a 3pm kind of finally) got the kids loaded in the jogger and ready to go. On the way to the cemetary, we passed many flags, and I did manage to talk to the kids about the flag before Lydia passed out.
On the way to the veteran’s section, Lydia fell asleep.Mary was whimpering because she was stuck like this. I fixed her after taking this picture, and she really hollered then. (She was expecting me to let her get out and walk, and when that didn’t happen, she broke the peaceful silence of the cemetery.)When we got to the veteran’s section, Mary quieted down. It was a beautiful experience to stand there and reflect on the sacrifices brave people have made so that I can live a free and happy life.I wandered around praying for the people buried here and their descendents. I also tried to imagine the lives and deaths of the people in this section. I was very happy to find this Jewish man from Utah, and I would love to learn more about him. There aren’t a lot of Jews here, and so I figure his story must be intriguing. (Although there are enough Jews that there is a Jewish Community Center, and, fingers crossed, that is where we hope to enroll Lydia in preschool for next year.)A beautiful resting place. As I left, a man in army band attire drove up, got out, and played a trumpet salute (Taps, maybe? I don’t know my army songs) to the veterans. It was ethereal.By the time I got back home, the girls were fast asleep, so I went around photographing things that bring me joy. This tree, as I have mentioned before, is one such thing.This magnificent feathery grass plant is another.These cattails are another simply because their name endears them to Lydia, who continues to pray that her missing stuffed cat will come back to her. She stroked these cattails and called them “so cute!” the other day.When the girls woke up, I let them play outside for a bit. Can you tell I didn’t bother brushing anyone’s hair (including my own) today? Because I didn’t.Experimenting with the person icon on my camera. I assume that means the camera will take better shots of people if it’s turned to that icon, but I can’t really tell.Lydia showing me the mint she picked.She was telling Mary where the jack-o-lanterns are. They are not where she is pointing.
Then we went to Tony Caputo’s for a pound and a half of Gorgonzola. Since apples and pears abound right now, I go through a LOT of cheese. Also, we had Gorgonzola gnocchi tonight–accompanied by a very fancy can of green beans. I found out yesterday that I love canned green beans!!
I got the girls Happy Hippos at Tony Caputo’s. Mary is in a daze from all of the chocolate.Lydia begged to eat hers in the car, so she was a little jealous when Mary got to eat hers at home.
After dinner, I cleaned the kitchen and practiced for another hour while Abe bathed the girls. Then we had FHE, wherin I taught a lesson on Veteran’s Day, and Abe had us all write letters of appreciation to three veterans (two of them are his grandpas, and the other is the husband of our friend, Jill).
And now I need to do some homework for my purchasing class. I am so excited to have homework! (And also a little dismayed…it’s already late, and if I don’t get it done tonight, there’s almost zero chance of getting it done tomorrow. Abe will be gone at night and we have a play date in the morning.)