Today my friend, Rose, sacrificed her morning to give me the gift of tame hair. It was such a sweet gift, and I felt grateful that someone cared enough about my hair problems to a) notice them b) smuggle stuff back from Brazil with the intent of fixing them c) notify me that (b) had taken place, and therefore that (d) needed to take place as well, d) spend six hours (!!!!!) putting product in and out of my hair until the end result was nothing short of perfection. Today I was a grateful recipient of a kindness that I can’t ever reciprocate. Thank-you, Rose!
After I returned home, I scarfed down some food and sneaked in some piano practice, after which I fed Mary and then picked up my friend, Savanna. She’s in town this week from D.C., and even though she’s only staying with me Friday night, I wanted as much time as possible with her. I kept trying to convince her to spend Thanksgiving with me instead of her family, but so far my efforts seem to be in vain…
Then I came home and submitted the most sub-par menu for my online class imaginable. I have zero technical ability and no access to fancy programs on my computer (I don’t even have Word), so my menu is ridiculously, embarrassingly simple. If I ever do open my dream restaurant, I better do a better job than what I submitted tonight.
Here are some pictures my mom took while she watched the girls ALL morning. (THANK-YOU, MOM!!!!)