Recently there was an article written by a bishop in Meridian magazine about modesty, and it has gotten a lot of attention. Thus far, I have been following the internet scuffles from the sidelines and hashing out my own thoughts with Abe, God, and my scripture journal. Today I finally decided to add my own two cents to the fray and commented on Alison’s blog, Mormon Momma. I thought her response was the best one I’ve read so far, and since she said in some of the comments that she wasn’t sure how modesty should be taught, I suggested correlating purchasing power with our charge to care for the poor.
She wrote back and asked me to do a guest post on her blog, and I am so excited to have an excuse to delve into this topic further. I have a lot of my own faults and issues that keep me from seeing this particular issue completely clearly, but I do have a strong desire to study God’s word and discern, to the best of my ability, what I think is His counsel on the subject.
I am also scared to death. As far as I can tell, no matter what anyone says on this subject, scores of people are bound to vehemently disagree. But oh, well. I’m just trying to figure out the issue myself, and I guess the benefits of hearing other people’s viewpoints in internet discussions will outweigh the bad stuff.
In other news, we had a great play date with Lalitha and Eden this morning. Actually, Lydia spent most of it begging me to read her books, and I kept rebuffing her request and admonishing her to go play with Eden, so maybe it was just a great play date for me.
I also got over two hours of practice in and realized that I am almost at the point where all of the pieces I’m playing at the competition are(very roughly) put together. Abe suggested I (re)memorize them all, and I agreed with him. The only problem is, when you’re already playing passages that are twelve years deep in your rote memory, it gets really hard to memorize them in a more stable way. So we’ll have to see how it goes.
I also spent a lot of time trying to iron scheduling snafus out with the program director at the Art Institute. It is extremely frustrating and I can’t type any more because I am getting all tight and irritated, so let’s just conclude by saying I have a meeting with her tomorrow, and hopefully it will get straightened out then.
Also, I had a great discussion with my AWESOME sister-in-law; she told me to go see a gastroenterologist, so I get to make that fun appointment tomorrow. I am so, so thankful my brother married such a great woman.
Finally, I have some homework for school, so let’s post these pics and get a move on, shall we?