Quick blog today. Lily is still on her way home from school and it is almost midnight. Yikes! I’m sure the reason she is late is because she has a big heart and she is giving rides to her classmates in need. She is so wonderful.
My day was a bit of a roller-coaster, but overall very good. My department is having a competition to see who can perform the best and I am pretty squarely in the middle of the pack. I sometimes get discouraged about my mediocrity, but it helps to remember how amazing everyone around me is at Qualtrics. They truly hire the best and I am so fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful people.
I don’t know too much about Lily’s day. When we talked on the phone, she spent most of the time listening to my frustrations and giving me a pep-talk. She is seriously so supportive and perfect….o-k, I’ll stop gushing. I’m just so blessed to have someone who is always willing and capable of being my cheering squad when I need it. I truly love her.
But this is what I do know. She had a piano lesson with Lydia. Mary completely refused her eye-drops today. Lydia napped. Lily just got home and told me she absolutely loved cooking class today.
- Crying while Lily does her homework

Another amazing plating job by Lily. This is from last week, but we just now got it to load.