Today was a little bit of a hard day on the home front. When I chatted with Lily at our kid-handoff in front of her cooking school, I learned that today the doorbell woke Mary from her nap, Lily learned Mary could squeeze through the second floor railing, a strange beggar came to the house asking for money (and this is after the Elizabeth Smart book she just read), and she’s feeling sicker than yesterday. My heart definitely went out to Lily to hear about these struggles, especially since things are really starting to go well at work.
Today I received my account list that I will be responsible for to call on. My list is comprised almost all of non-profit organizations, meaning Qualtrics wants me to become expert in selling to that industry. I started working on the list today and found great joy working on my own accounts and not just setting up meetings for other salesmen. Also, during lunch we had a regional meeting and my team lead commended my hard work in front of every body and I was awarded fifty dollars. Sweet!
Lily just got home from cooking school and reported that she feels she did very well on her final (Yay!). That is especially amazing since she was feeling so unwell. While Lily was at cooking school, the following transpired.
I picked up mail from my mom’s office (Lydia asleep in the car) and then drove home (Lydia still asleep in the car). Lydia woke up as we pulled in the driveway and proceded to be an emotional disaster for the next two hours. I do not fault her. She took a late nap, and she was just out of sync. She melted down over a variety of topics such as curry being too spicy (Mary ate it), being tired, being cold (right after her bath), not wanting to comb her hair, wanting the ipad, wanting to sit in my lap……you get the idea. Finally at the end of the day, right before going to bed, she cheered up, partially because she enjoyed watching Mary run around only half-way in her pajamas. I only got half-way putting Mary into pajamas before I had to intervene with another dramatic emotional episode from Lydia. Everything ended on a good note when I put the kids to bed.
Right afterwords, my brother, David, came over. He is in-town from his PHD studies at Harvard. We chatted for a while and then played one hour and thirty minutes of Wayne Gretzky Hockey on Nintendo 64. We had so much fun that we made plans to do it again Monday.