I took it easy today because my ankle is pretty swollen from all of Monday’s activities. Lydia and I did go outside and play for a bit during Mary’s nap, though:
Then Lydia, Mary and I all squeezed into Lydia’s bed and rented 101 Dalmations (the live version) on Amazon. After that, it was practically time for cooking school. While I was at school, Isabella took some great pictures of the girls at her house (after Abe walked the girls and Isabella to her home):
I did the best plating of my whole life in class tonight, but sadly, I didn’t get a picture! One of my classmates promised to send me his pictures (which, I think, show my plating), but those haven’t come to my inbox yet.
Our guests are staying one more night. Tomorrow will be a massive clean-up day. I better get to bed!