I got a touch of food poisoning yesterday evening, so I was out of commission until 1 pm today. When I finally gathered enough strength to get up, it was pretty slow moving until the evening. A huge shout out to Abe, who basically did everything all day long so I could recover. I love that man so much.
This evening we decided to go get our Christmas tree and decorate the house for Christmas. Up until now, I have been dreading this event; it’s so much unpacking, and we still have more boxes left to unpack for our every day stuff! I also loved the clean feeling of the new home, and I was scared the Christmas stuff would clutter it up.
However, after having selected a tree, putting it up, and decorating until midnight, I can honestly say that I love the feeling of having the Christmas decorations up. The house feels so cozy and festive, and for the first time this season, I feel in spirit.
I’ll take more pictures tomorrow. Toward the end, I was just racing to finish because of the late hour. This is what I have: