Today nothing of note happened. At all. We are so thankful.
We got everyone ready for church at a leisurely pace, walked there and back in the beautiful weather, ate, napped, and read lots of books to the girls. At one point, the girls lost interest in one of the Christmas stories (a lovely tale about Santa substituting a whale for his reindeer when the latter all came down with the flu), and so Abe read the rest of the story to me. We sat around admiring the tree and generally giving thanks for the slow pace.
Tonight will be the first time we all hit our bedtimes in forever. Hooray!
All ready for church (on the new basement couch, which is currently overlaid with a Christmas quilt). I forgot to record a Lydia anecdote from a couple days ago. She asked for some food, and I responded by asking, “What’s the magic word?”. In an exasperated tone she said, “Please. Mom, why do grown-ups always forget the magic word?”On the way to church.On the way home from church. It turns out 11 am church is hard on Mary, who demands her binkies and nap at 12 noon daily. During sacrament today, she turned to us at 12 pm sharp and said, “I want my binkies and nap.” When those were denied, she had to be gently escorted from the meeting, as her tears and screams were drowning out the testimonies (it’s a busy meeting in our ward, and testimony meeting ran over by ten minutes).