I just erased my blog because I realized that all I wanted to talk about was my headache and I know that is about as interesting to read about as my chin hair growth rate (maybe less? I could tell a story with a semblance of narrative arc about the latter…)
At any rate, I am powering through the pain to record today’s events. Heroic, I know. Today started off really great. Abe and I both got up early, and he worked in a nice scripture study before work while I worked out, showered, and got in my own study. The girls did not sleep in, and because of that, their moods today were…delicate. I did manage to bathe them, feed them, read to them, and play with them, but more often than not all of these activities ended in tears. I also folded a week’s worth of laundry and made gingerbread men with Lydia. (I had to squeeze that last sentence in there because I am darn proud of myself for getting those things done).
We met up with Misty at IKEA, and Lydia was thrilled to see Sophia again. I was thrilled to meet Misty’s newborn, Owen.
Afterward, we came home and held a truncated FHE (truncated in honor of the girls’ delicate moods). A couple tantrums later, both girls are in bed, and I again have (vain?) hopes that they will sleep in tomorrow.
Two pictures: