We took today real sloooow. For the past couple weeks Lydia and I have been doing daily tutoring sessions, and afterward we relax–either together or apart, depending on how exhausting the tutoring felt. Today went really well, so afterward I watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with her. It turns out Lydia adores “scary” movies. Witches, goblins, and all sorts of dark creatures seem to capture her imagination much more than anything else.
Mary likes scary stuff too. She often tells me in the morning that she had a “scary” dream the night before. The other day she told me that witches came and stole her binkies during her nightmare. She hit the witches with a stick and got her binkies back. I like that her dreams always end with Mary vanquishing her scary foes, either by hitting them with sticks…or worse. Again, I think we probably talk too freely and too often about death in this family.
We went out to the mall for a short outing this evening, and then we came back home, ate dinner, and spent more time together. All in all, it was a lovely, slow way to start this year.
Frankly, I am frightened about the pace of the next couple months. I have restaurant this quarter, and that means longer hours three nights a week, not counting homework. Today was the last day of Abe’s vacation, and he’s also heading into busy waters at work. I get stressed out just thinking about the next ten weeks, but I’m trying to make up for it by taking it slow until school starts again.
Here are today’s pictures: