I felt like I was walking in molasses all day. It was one of those days where nothing went wrong, but every task felt daunting because I was so dang tired. After we got the girls in bed, I realized I didn’t have any pictures for today’s blog and I panicked.
So I went around the house and took random pictures of things I could talk about. Here they are.
Exhibit A: Abe sent me flowers and the sweetest note yesterday! The theme of the note went along the lines of thanking me for surviving the holidays with him. We are both dead tired, but he’s right–we both survived!Mary sneaked out of bed tonight to go potty. We take her potty all around the house because she prefers that to the potty seat. You can see it in the corner. This is her smelling the roses and holding M&M’s in her fists as a reward for going.I took a picture of the fruit bowl because Mary has undergone a MAJOR growth spurt thanks to the seasonality of cuties and oranges. She has literally eaten her weight in these since the season started. I filled this bowl higher than this last Saturday, and it was completely gone by Monday morning. Nothing, nada, niente left in the bowl. Thanks, oranges, for helping my baby grow!I have gotten out of the habit of reading, and so we went to the library today and I checked out some books. Well, I put Jesus the Christ in that pile because I have been reading it since October as part of our old ward’s goal to read the whole thing by April. The rest are on my wishlist for things I would like to read in the next month. At the rate I have been going, that might actually take me through June, but we’ll see.And here’s my beloved Kindle from Balu! It’s charging as I type. Isn’t it wonderful?