Again, reporting from death’s door. I have no idea why I am so tired…chronic fatigue syndrome? Abe feels the same way. Maybe it’s contagious.
Anyway, we have a new 1 pm church schedule, so in the morning I prepared dinner. I made this. By the time dinner came around, I was so sick of smelling it that I took a couple bites and felt completely grossed out. I kept eating to avoid waste, but yuck. Abe thought it was great, which is good because it means his lunches this week are totally taken care of. Here’s what it looked like:

Thankfully, I took one bite of the broth and realized the girls wouldn’t eat it. So I made them different plates with the instant ramen. I envied their plates all through dinner.
Today Mary had a series of potty successes…and failures. I am so thankful for Abe, who changed all three of her pooped-in undies. I asked him to describe his procedure to me in detail because I am so scared to do that. I don’t know why it’s so intimidating, but I feel daunted. Anyway, after all that, I decided that tomorrow she will just wear pull-ups…at least until Abe gets home.
And here’s one Abe took this morning before church. Lydia has discovered infant shoes are just the right size for her stuffed animals!
Also, a Mary anecdote. We let Mary go play in her room while the rest of us finished dinner, and about five minutes later we heard a blood curdling scream come from upstairs. As Mary tries to actively commit suicide at least three times today (at church today she flung herself off the stage onto the gym floor), I was sure she had broken a bone or worse.
Abe raced upstairs to discover Mary crying uncontrollably in front of the book Grandma sent Lydia for her second birthday, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly. When Abe asked Mary what was wrong, Mary sobbed out, “It’s a scawy book!” Apparently, she had opened the book and found the pictures so terrifying that screaming and crying ensued. Abe switched out the book for a “less scary” one, and Mary immediately calmed down and smiled contentedly.
I personally love that book, but we thought it was so funny that Mary had that reaction. One day maybe she’ll read this and smile at herself. I hope so.