We had a play date this morning with our neighbors, and I let Lydia and Mary paint for the first time in forever. Usually they paint with Abe, but since we had a friend over and Lydia really wanted to paint with her new friend, I let her.
One hour of clean up later…but it was worth it. Also, Brittany (my neighbor) has a book club! They are reading The Professor and the Madman this month, and I am very excited.
Speaking of reading, I ditched the book I’ve been reading for the past two days (the one about the Silk Road). It had too much pseudo-poetic observation and not enough substantial history, so I figured it was better to cut my losses and start over. I’m so glad I did! I started reading Bill Bryson’s At Home, and I could not be more delighted. He discovers that the whole history of the world manifests itself in our houses, and he documents that history in funny, intelligent, and often ironic detail. I love it. That’s how I’ll spend every spare second for the next couple days.
Here are some pictures from the not-spare seconds: