This day was packed. I worked out this morning and then Abe played basketball. While he was at basketball, I menu planned and wrote a shopping list. Then it was time for lunch, after which Mary napped and I tutored Lydia for an hour. Afterward, Lydia and I spent almost two hours shopping while Abe stayed home and cleaned the ENTIRE house–thank-you, Darling!! Then we came home, blitz-cooked dinner, and drove to the Marshalls’ to babysit. (We’re doing a stake conference babysitting swap.)
Abe is currently passed out on the bed. We kind of want to watch Mary Poppins because we saw Saving Mr. Banks last night, but we’re both so tired it might not happen. At any rate, we do have some pictures from the day.
Before I post those, though, a prayer solicitation. I need to do an internship this quarter, and Abe turned to me tonight and asked if I wanted to intern at Communal. I laughed in his face because Communal is only the hottest restaurant in Utah Valley right now, and I assumed this was another classic instance where Abe overestimated my abilities. But he then proceeded to tell me that, through work, he has a connection with the owner of Communal, and it looks like a real possibility that I could get an internship there. My jaw dropped when he explained that to me. So right now I am just praying that I get in. Mom and Grandma, could you please pray that I get this internship? I really, really, really, reallyreally want it. (That felt greedy to write, but at least it’s a forthright statement.) Thank-you!
Here are today’s pictures: