Today was a reality check for Abe and me. Abe had a deluge of work waiting for him in the office, and I had restaurant tonight. I messed up every. single. dish. It was so depressing. I am going to redo it all tomorrow in a quarter of the time so my station can be ready for service.
One cool thing we did was smoke cream cheese for our cheesecake. Even though I forgot about the cheesecake and let it cook too long, the flavor was amazing. We used pickling spice, woodchips, galangal, cinnamon sticks, and orange zest to flavor our smoke. I also caramelized cornflakes, but I must have looked away while pouring the salt or something because they tasted like salty potato chips. I must have accidentally dumped salt on top of them. Oops. And I also made (and messed up) milk crumbs. Lots of redos tomorrow.
Speaking of mistakes, the girls made one this morning. While I was on the phone with Mom, Lydia grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped away at her hair and Mary’s. You can barely tell on Lydia’s hair, but poor Mary. She was shorn and lopsided before, but now her hair is a cross between Euro-punk and chicken.
I took a picture of the girls because I was laughing inside, but I told them sternly that I was only taking the picture so they could see the damage they caused. The result is–a mug shot! Two guilty little faces caught fresh from the act.