Considering all I wanted out of this day was to deep clean my house, this day feels like a smashing success. Granted, my day effectively started at 11 am and cleaning didn’t happen until 9 pm, but it got done! And in the meantime, I had so many good experiences with the girls.
Here’s piglet, the ballerina fairy. She’s going through a dress up phase.
As I was getting lunch cleaned up, I heard on the radio that it was 60 degrees outside. I dropped everything, packed the girls in the car and drove to the nearest park.
On the way to the park. This one’s excited.And this one can’t decide if she’d rather be home napping with her binkies. She tearfully pleaded for that the entire way to the park, but at this moment she’s starting to consider the park as a place of pleasant possibility.I love how we are surrounded by mountains.
I have figured out a way to get Lydia to nap. All I have to do is convince her to cuddle with me and boom! she’s out for a good hour or two in the middle of the day. That’s perfect, because I’m generally out of commission for a good couple hours then anyway, so we can just be out of commission together.
She slept through an hour of NPR and cooking noises. Lydia actually really needs naps, so I’m glad I have a strategy going forward.Today was an outdoorsy day in general. Abe took the girls outside for an hour after dinner. They love to use their flashlights and “explore” the yard. Abe dressed them up in my old scarves. They were prepared for a far colder climate than the one that actually graced us today.