I didn’t blog last night because I was too tired and discouraged. After being bawled out continually for two straight days for being slow, behind and unmotivated, I finished my dish (the customer favorite again) half an hour early yesterday. The chef made no comments on either score, but he did bawl me out at the end of the night for not taking apart the meat slicer and cleaning it properly. (I didn’t know how, and the chefs aren’t the most approachable people when it comes to asking questions like that.)

I was so upset. Abe gave me the best pep talk and a massage, after which I fell asleep right away and dreamed I was in a literal boot camp.
I did talk to the head of the culinary program, and because Pizzeria 712 (owned by the guy who owns Communal) is going to let me stage (cooking lingo for internship), she is going to let me challenge my next class. That means after this semester I am done. I am so happy. I don’t think I can take the toxicity of this school much longer.