Sometimes I have days where I realize my life is too easy. I am definitely not complaining, but I don’t think this lifestyle can possibly be healthy or sustainable long term. Doesn’t the best growth come from struggle? In my last ward, almost every Sunday School lesson came back to a discussion about how to endure the hard blows of life. I always felt like such a wuss listening to everyone because my only real struggles right now are with my own character flaws. If I ever actually become that “new creature in Christ” I pray every day to be, my life (if the situation remains stable) will be simple and utter bliss.
And that is why I steel myself every day for some blow from the sky. I probably can’t become the person I want to be without enduring a couple of real trials, and so days like these feel peaceful in a kind of eerie way.
All that to say, we had a perfectly normal day. I worked out, took the girls to the park, made dinner, and somewhere in there took a nap.
It’s now 1:30 am, and I have just finished binge watching season five of Downton Abbey. I fell asleep right after putting the girls to bed, and when I woke up two hours later, I couldn’t get back to bed. Hence my irresponsible use of late night time.
My only hope for tomorrow is that the girls will sleep in. They had a full, long day today, and Mary swapped her usual three or four hour nap for a one hour one. I pray we all wake up together at 10 am tomorrow.
Although today wasn’t terribly productive in the chore department, I did play a lot with the girls, and that made me happy. When we first moved into this house, I made sure that all toys were kept either upstairs or in the basement. I reasoned that I would never have a mess downstairs if I kept it that way. The downside, which I overlooked, is that I rarely ever play with the girls now.
I wish I could say I took steps to remedy the situation, but the credit actually belongs to Summer, the girls’ babysitter. She moved some puzzles and dolls to the main floor a couple days ago, and we have all been playing more ever since. I’ve decided I prefer the current arrangement.