Today I spent the morning fact checking with Auntie Geri for the eulogy I am giving tomorrow at the wake. Auntie Geri regaled me with stories about Auntie Vee. I wish I had video taped her talking because I could have captured so much that is hard to capture with writing, but I didn’t.
I did capture the choir Auntie Vee founded rehearsing for the funeral. It was a very moving rehearsal, and this Filipino song, “Pangi Noon Dios, Narito Ako,” about offering our souls to God made me cry. It is one of the most beautiful melodies I have ever heard. Auntie Geri credits this song with healing her from cancer. She sang it to herself through the entire ordeal and during her prayers, and it buoyed her to the point of healing.
Here’s the link:
After I worked on the eulogy, I had to do some pre-funeral errands, and Abe took the girls all around town. Lydia started a scavenger hunt wherein she drew the items they were supposed to find, and Abe took the girls everywhere to find them. They found some in the park, some in stores, some in restaurants, and finally, Lydia drew ice cream. We found that in Dairy Queen.

We ended the night by watching Sound of Music. It felt appropriate and sweet.