Lydia woke up this morning and ran out of her room calling, “It’s my burfday! It’s my burfday!” Abe and I effused with birthday greetings, and then Lydia looked at me and said, “But mom, where’s the…you know!” I told her I didn’t know.
“Oh,” she replied bashfully, “never mind.”
“No, darling! It’s your birthday. Tell me what you wanted to ask me.”
“Well, where are all the…presents?”
Oh, boy. My heart dropped. Abe and I tried to make a point that yesterday’s bike and trip to Disney on Ice were her presents, but I guess there’s nothing like waking up on your birthday and discovering all the fun was had the day before. Next year I’ll plan better.
In the meantime, family and friends saved the day! She started off by opening Nana’s present, and that kept her occupied for the rest of the day. (Mom, she adores all of the craft supplies.) After lunch, she opened a huge, elaborate doctor kit from Clark and Swathi. I’m always hinting that she should be a doctor like Aunt Swathi, and it was really funny to see her open their head start on that plan. She loved it.
Abe tried to make her bubble bath extra special too.

And then this evening, Tom, Suzanne, Isabella, Chelsea, Derek, Olivia, Carter and Camden all came over to celebrate with us.

Happy birthday, Lydia! We love you so much!!! And a huge thank-you to everyone who helped make this day a success!!!