School got out early last night and I went to bed very early, so I skipped blogging.
Today I had a miracle happen at work. I was shelling and slicing an enormous colander of peas, and I was feeling so ill I honestly thought I was going to vomit or pass out or both. I was sweating like crazy (it was before service and not even hot) and felt soooo bad. All I could do was pray over and over that I would have the strength to get through the hours of pea cutting in front of me. Finally, I went to the chef and told him I didn’t think I could make it through the whole colander and asked what he needed that night. Without batting an eye, the chef said, “Fine, just do half the colander.”
I have absolutely no hard feelings against him because he is very young and has no idea what pregnancy illness feels like, but to give an idea of how long half a colander would take: It took me two and a half hours. At high end restaurants, they have interns who do nothing but mince parsley and slice/shell peas all day long. That’s how time consuming these tasks are.
I returned to my station wondering if I would actually have to quit because I didn’t think I could make it through any more, and all of the sudden: The pain went away. It was amazing. In one moment I was in so much pain I knew I could not continue, and in the next I felt 100% better. All I could reference was the people of Alma in the Book of Mormon whose burdens are made so light they “couldn’t feel them on their backs” because God heard their prayers and took care of them. I felt like that happened to me tonight.
I had spent most of the day praying for strength to make it cheerfully through my internship, because honestly now that I’m done with school (if you don’t count one last final in May and an online class between now and then), I just CAN’T WAIT to be done with cooking outside of my home. Period.
But I read this morning in the scriptures how God does not take anything in His heart to do but that He does it. That, to me, means that God finishes what He starts. I want to finish what I start, and so the whole day I prayed that God would see me through this trial–and then in my hour of desperation, He literally took my burden completely away. I am blown away by how good He is. I ended up shelling and slicing 99% of the colander. The chef came over at that point and told me not to worry about the remaining few peas.

- Swathi sent us this gorgeous picture. I got to Face Time with Soren the other day, and he just melted my heart. He is the cutest little nephew!!