Since Mary again spent most of the day napping, Abe and I spent the day taking care of a very tired Lydia. Well, actually, Abe did most of the work. My energy bursts happened between 7am and 11:30 am, and again between 9 pm and now (1 am). In between I was a pretty useless lump that migrated from the couch to the bed and back again.
Lydia and I made empanadas stuffed with kale, spinach, chard, kalamatas, provolone, onion, garlic, and a leeetle quinoa and rice. I have been craving greens and overdid it on the filling. Also, my ponytail is perpetually falling out. I need a haircut. Another also: Abe helped me out and did the edge crimping for me. I can’t get things to look pretty, and he used to make calzones in a pizza parlor, so we used his expertise to make the calzones look good. I need to start taking pictures of my food agian because I need a portfolio of home pictures for my finalfinal.
Abe taught Lydia how to fold clothes. Lydia eventually convinced him to leave the laundry and help her craft, but guess what? We got all of the laundry done today! And every room in the house is clean! I woke up thinking these were impossibilities, but they happened. Woo-hoo!