Chelsea and Jan gave me their extra ticket to conference this morning! Originally I thought I’d have to work, but I got everything done last night so I ended up going. We all drove down together and parked in front of Misty’s house because she lives a couple blocks away from the Conference Center. I had forgotten how hard it is to climb those Marmalade District hills!
Afterward we went to a local, all-organic Mexican restaurant for lunch. I was going to take a picture of only Chelsea’s plate, but just look how pretty she is!The priesthood session started while we were running errands, so Abe sat on a bench in the park and listened to part of it while the girls played.
This picture makes me think Mary IS growing. Look how long her legs look! She’s got to be growing, right?
This is the type of tree I wait for all year long. I just love how it smells! Its white counterpart smells divine too. I wish I knew what kind of trees these were! They are everywhere (not only here, but in every other place I’ve lived), so I really should know.Our overgrown cherry tree in the backyard. There are two right outside my bedroom window as well, and I love waking up in the morning and staring at their beautiful blossoms.The Easter Bunny came today. The girls need spring clothes and shoes, so the Easter Bunny supplied those in the packages.