Abe just informed me that there is something biologically wrong with Mary. Her energy peaks at 10pm and doesn’t fizzle for at least an hour. I have tried cutting her naps down, but she cries and ends up a mess for the rest of the day, so we don’t really know what to do. (She also tries to sneak in extra naps later in the evening, which is truly bad news in terms of bedtime.)
While Abe was teaching a beautiful lesson in Sunday School, I was wrangling a bunch of very energetic toddlers in the nursery. Afterward, I lay on the couch and let my family starve until I decided at the last minute to summon up some compassion and make dinner.
We have some pictures and videos to liven up this tired post.

And here’s a video of this morning’s dance party:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRKuGk46JVg
Grandma, we hope you feel better! We heard today was kind of rough, and we are praying that you wake up without pain. We love you so much!