Today we took a walk in a beautiful field a block away from our house. You can see our house so clearly from the field–that’s how close it is! I can’t believe we haven’t made it here before. It is very well hidden, but some neighbors told us about it last week, and we decided it would be a great setting for our after-work walk. The weather was perfect, and the grass had just been cut. I love the smell of fresh-cut grass. We all walked laps, and occasionally Abe and the girls played chase. Mom, you would love this field. It feels like you are right underneath the mountains–I should have gotten a picture of what you can see while you walk. I did get some pictures, though.
Then we went home and had FHE in our back yard.

Even though I already turned in my food portfolio, I’ve decided to keep taking pictures of the food I make. It felt good to go through the blog and see pictures of what my family eats; it helps me on days like today when I feel like I got nothing accomplished to know that at least I fed my family.