This morning Mary shocked me by waking up before Lydia AND before 8 am. Considering she was up until almost midnight the night before, I couldn’t believe my eyes. But there she was, standing by my bed grinning her morning grin that says, “Here I am world! I just know you’re happy to see me!” –which I always am.
So I took her downstairs with me to make waffles. She was so proud of herself.
After that, Lydia woke up and we all ate waffles. While they were playing in their morning bath, I called the chiropractor. I had tried to take a walk this morning before everyone woke up, and the pain in my back was so bad that I couldn’t make it to the end of the block. I have never been to a chiropractor before, but I figured it was time.

Then we had lunch, dropped Lydia off at preschool, and went grocery shopping for two hours. By that point, Lydia was done with preschool, and it was time for everyone to have quiet time.
Thankfully, I bought pizza yeast while we were doing groceries, so I still had time to make pizza for dinner–even after my three hour nap! After that we headed downstairs to watch Fantasia. Abe surprised me the other day and bought us plane tickets to L.A. for our anniversary weekend so that we can all spend it in Disneyland. I figure watching Disney movies counts as trip preparation.
Then I made lemon ginger cookies. I meant to send a batch to you, Mom and Grandma, but these were the worst cookies ever! I felt so disappointed in Martha Stewart. I turned to her recipe for help because I have been dying to make Tate’s ginger zingers; Abe even bought me a Tate cookbook for Mother’s Day in the hopes it would have the recipe in it, but when it arrived–there was no ginger zinger recipe! I thought surely Martha could help me…but after having made this recipe, I feel truly let down. I am sure she never taste tested these. They have no flavor. Next time I try this flavor combo in a cookie, I am going to add lemon oil or double the ginger or something. Plus, they’re ugly.
Mom, I am going to send you and Grandma cookies, but I don’t know if I can bring myself to ship these. Maybe I’ll try a different recipe later in the week.